OF The

21 October 1970

(Senate Minute pages: 567-577)

Meeting No. 53 was called to order on Wednesday October 21, at 7:05 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge of the Memorial Union by President M.W. Bredekamp.

The roster was checked by the Secretary. Twenty-six members and several observers were present. Absent were: L. Velics (L); J. Johnson, (FF); E. Vandette (SS); and D. Stebbins.

The Minutes of Meeting No. 52 were approved with the following corrections: (1) p. 544, line 4 of the body of the letter, change "think to "thing." (2) p. 539, item VI B, paragraph 5, change "tentatively approved, but only in principle" to "presented to the Senate Council, but in name only."

The Second Annual Report to the Faculty (Available by Request from the Senate Office) was approved with the following corrections: (1) The Accommodation Programs Committee Report was omitted. It is included here as Appendix A. (2) p. 33, item B, add to the list "Biology - Brown." (3) p. 2, in the Roster under Expiration September, 1971, replace "Freyberger, W.L." by "Thayer, D." and "Hollod, R.E." by "Johnson, M." Also delete "Lord, H.W. (EM) from the September 1972 list.

Minutes of the Special Meeting of October 14, 1970 was distributed to those present. They will also be distributed with the current minutes. (Available by Request from the Senate Office).

Senate President's Report

  1. The schedule of meetings for the ensuing year is as follows: October 21, December 2, January 20, March 3, April 21, and May 26. All will be held in the Faculty Lounge except the one on March 3 which will be held in the Multipurpose Room at the Library. The meetings must be scheduled before the summer and even then the desired rooms may not be available. If the meetings were scheduled for a specified day (such as the first, second, or third of the month) a single fixed meeting place could be guaranteed.

  2. A letter was received from a student who objected to the present Pass-Fail grading system. His recommendations were that the option be extended from the present first week of the term to the fourth week and that there be no limit on the number of courses (providing that they do not appear on his degree schedule). His letter was referred to the Instructional Policy Committee.

  3. The new printing of the Teacher Certificate Programs was received and seems to agree with the original specifications agreed upon.

  4. A Presidential Advisory Committee has been created to advise the President of the University through the President of the Senate concerning situations of an emergency nature and long-range administrative problems. The members are B.P. Krueger, R.O. Keeling, R.G. Mason, J.A. Soper, J. McInnes, and M.W. Bredekamp. Student participation has been invited but no response has been received from the Student Council.

  5. The President of the Senate has answered a request for comments from the President's Commission on Campus Unrest." The request sought the President's opinion, however, any Senator who wishes to do so is invited to examine his response.

  6. An official copy of the proposed BSE (Bachelor of Science in Engineering) was received on October 16 from Dean Kent and referred to the Curricular Policy Committee.

  7. Secretarial assistance on Senate work which has been so ably handled by the office staff of the Vice President of Academic Affairs will be provided in the future by the Employee Relations office. It may be possible to obtain the services of a legal stenographer to transcribe the Senate discussions.

  8. The following curriculum and course revisions have been recently completed: Mathematics (200 credits are now required), Mining Engineering (10% reduction in requirements), Applied Physics (Teacher Certificate), ROTC, UN-100 (Man and His Environment) and the performing arts courses in the Humanities Department (Band, Glee Club, etc. may be taken for credit more than once). In addition, the Graduate School has revised its registration procedure.

  9. The Annual Report of the Senate to the Faculty was published and a meeting was held on the evening of October 6 to report to the faculty. Attendance was very poor. Approximately 30 persons including numerous Senators were present.

Election of Officers

The Nominating Committee (R. Bayer, Chairman) submitted the following slate of nominees for office for 1970-71:

President: K.O. Alexander and M.W. Bredekamp
Vice President: V.W. Johnson and G. P. Krueger
Secretary: R.S. Horvath and A.S. Weaver

There being no further nominations from the floor, ballots were collected and tallied, with the following results:

President: M.W. Bredekamp
Vice President: G.P. Krueger
Secretary: R.S. Horvath

Professor DelliQuadri moved and the Senate unanimously approved an expression of appreciation to Professor Price for a job well done as Secretary during the 1969-70 academic year.

Report on Meetings of the Academic Council and Board of Control

  1. Professor Wyble and President Bredekamp reported on the meetings of the Academic Council.
    1. On June 2, 1970, the topics discussed were:
      1. 1970-71 Budget considerations. Positions created by resignations cannot be filled. No new positions can be considered at this time.
      2. Student-faculty relations. Considerable discussion was held concerning ways to recognize academic achievement by students.
    2. On July 9, 1970, the topics were:
      1. Summer orientation and registration for new students (214 students were involved).
      2. Appropriations bills. A 75% non-resident tuition increase was required. The 1969-70 enrollment loss required the canceling of several requested staff positions. The average faculty load at Michigan Tech must be 12 contact hours.
      3. Staff and credit hour costs. The Ph.D. programs were discussed as well as the possibility of staff or curriculum cuts.
    3. On August 7, 1970, the topics were:
      1. Honors Lists
      2. New faculty orientation
      3. The 12 contact hour requirement
    4. On September 29, 1970, the topics were:
      1. Approval of new academic programs by the Senate
      2. Different definitions of contact hours
      3. Job descriptions for department heads
      4. Use of the "Adjunct" title
      5. NSF Senior foreign scientist fellowships
      6. Employee interview expenses. The expenses are not to exceed air travel.
    5. On October 13, 1970, the topics were:
      1. A plan by Mr. Murphy to promote the larger use of the used book market by students.
      2. The Esso Foundation grants announcement
      3. Evening and final exams. They should be scheduled in accordance with Senate policies.
      4. Humanities and social science electives

  2. President Bredekamp and Vice President Krueger reported on the Board of Control meetings. The Board approved AP-1 forms for the Computer Science, Earth Science, Major and Minor in Teacher Education, and Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology. The Board also approved the Astronomical Laboratory and a grant request for funds from the federal government to enlarge both the scope and the size of WGGL-FM. Halkola asked what priority was given to the Astronomical Laboratory and whether funds were requested. President Smith replied that no funds were involved and that general approval was given with no priority. Board of Control agenda are on file and available to any interested faculty.

Committee Reports

A. Election Committee

The following have been elected to serve as Alternate Members of the Senate by their departments (List available by Request from the Senate Office).

B. Curricular Policy Committee

  1. Proposal 12-70 "Status of ROTC Programs at Michigan Tech" (Minutes, Meeting 51, p. 514) as amended (Minutes, Meeting 52, p. 536).

    Dean Geddes directed the Senate's attention to the recent report published by Michigan Tech's ROTC Departments. In it, he stated, lies clear evidence that Michigan Tech is already complying with all of the major recommendations of the Second Report of the Benson Committee. He further pointed out that regular channels already exist for implementing significant changes in the ROTC program just as they do for any other regular academic department on this campus.

    Alexander contended that the theme of the Benson Report is the need to establish channels for total faculty involvement with ROTC programs as well as to establish uniform policies for organizational status and titular questions.

    Submitted to a vote, Proposal 12-70 as previously amended then passed, 12 Yes and 11 No. This was the final vote on the amended proposal.

  2. Proposal 1-71 "To establish procedure for Course and Curricula Change" (Second Annual Report to the Faculty, p. 27) was introduced as a proposal by Brown, and seconded. Brown then moved that Proposal 1-71 be amended as follows: item III A, line 4, insert after "Departmental Faculty" the words "and invited students." The amendment was seconded.

    Several Senators questioned the desirability of mandatory participation on the part of the student body and indicated that students could be requested to participate even in the absence of such a dictum.

    The amendment failed, 4 Yes and 19 No.

    After a brief discussion which emphasized that this policy concerns only course and curriculum changes and so does not come under the aegis of Proposal 10-70, the original proposal passed, 26 Yes and 0 No.

C. Instructional Policy Committee: No report.

D. Student-Faculty-Senate Committee: No report.

E. Accommodations Committee: No report (See Appendix A for annual report - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

F. Sick Leave Committee: No report.

G. Faculty Evaluation Committee: This committee, its duties completed was discharged.

Old Business

  1. The proposal for Bachelor of Science in Engineering was submitted to the Curricular Policy Committee for study by presidential action.

  2. President Smith's responses to recent Senate action were introduced in a motion by Boutilier that the recommended changes by submitted to President Bredekamp to the committee concerned for further consideration. The motion was seconded and passed by a vote of 21 Yes, 1 No.

New Business

Proposal 2-71 "Early Admission of Community College Students" was introduced for discussion by DelliQuadri and seconded.

Since it appeared that there were many questions concerning the details of implementation and the author was not present, Halkola moved that it be referred to committee for further study. Motion to refer passed, 23 Yes, 1 No.


The meeting adjourned at 9:05 p.m.


R.S. Horvath